
Numerology Calculator

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  • Gajendra Das
  • 2035/02/06
  • 6s
  • 9
  • 1
  • 4, 9, 7, 8, 1
  • 1, 5
  • -
  • 9855021525
  • 42
  • 6
  • 45
  • 6
  • 1

About 9855021525

  • (NTC Set)
  • Money Problem/Block
  • Good
  • OK (0 is 5th postion see note)
  • OK
  • Unexpected Expenses will high
  • Good Communication
  • Not for Business Man
  • Not for Business Man

Losu Grid

Thought Plane Will Plane Action Plane Hotizontal Plane
SE- S- SW2 Mental Plane
E3 5 W- Emotional Plane
NE- N- NW6 Practical Plane
Vertical Plane
Mulank Bhagyank Common No.
6 9
Friendly No. 1, 7, 5, 4, 6 1, 5 1, 5
UnFriendly No. 3 4, 2 -
Stage Age Pinnacle No. Challenge No.
1st 0-27 8 4
2nd 28-36 7 5
3rd 37-45 6 1
4th 46-... 3 1
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